Bucket Test


A bucket test is a simple and effective method used to determine whether a pool is losing water due to evaporation or a potential leak. Here’s how you can perform a bucket test:

  1. Gather materials:
  • A bucket (a 5-gallon bucket works well)
  • A heavy object to keep the bucket anchored (be careful not to use objects that can damage liner, paint and or pool finishes.)
  • A waterproof marker or tape
  • Pool water
  1. Fill the bucket:
  • Fill the bucket with pool water to a few inches from the top.
  1. Place the bucket:
  • Place the bucket on the first or second step of the pool, ensuring that it is immersed in the pool water and that the water level inside the bucket matches the water level outside.
  1. Mark water levels:
  • Use the waterproof marker or tape to mark the water level inside the bucket and the water level outside the bucket.
  1. Turn off pool equipment:
  • Turn off the pool pump and any other equipment that circulates water.
  1. Wait 24 hours:
  • Allow 24 hours to pass without using the pool during this period.
  1. Compare and interpret water levels:
  • After 24 hours, compare the water levels inside and outside the bucket. If the water outside the bucket has dropped more than the water inside, it suggests that the water loss is likely due to a leak. If both levels have dropped equally, it suggests that the water lost may be due to evaporation.

The bucket test helps differentiate between normal water loss through evaporation and potential leaks. Keep in mind that this test provides a general indication, and for more accurate leak detection, professional assistance may be required, especially if you suspect a leak despite the results of the bucket test.