It's generally recommended to clean your pool filter when the pressure increases 8-10 psi over the starting pressure of a clean filter. Filter cleaning frequency may vary based on factors like pool usage, debris, and filter type.

The recommended duration for running your pool pump depends on factors such as the size of your pool, the pump's flow rate, and the climate. As a general guideline, running the pump for about 8 hours a day is a good starting point. However, you may need to adjust this based on your specific circumstances.

Green pool water is usually a result of algae growth or dissolved metals. Algae thrive in pools with imbalanced water chemistry, inadequate circulation, or insufficient sanitizer levels.

Algae growth is commonly triggered by factors such as high pH levels, low chlorine levels, poor circulation, warm temperatures, and inadequate pool maintenance.

Regularly test and balance your pool water chemistry, maintain proper sanitizer levels, clean, and backwash your pool filter, and ensure good water circulation to prevent algae growth.

There are several signs that may indicate a pool leak. These include a noticeable drop in water level, wet spots around the pool area, constantly running pool equipment, and difficulty maintaining water chemistry. If you observe any of these signs, it's advisable to investigate further.

There could be several reasons why you're experiencing an increased need to fill your pool. Here are some common factors to consider:

  1. Evaporation: Pools naturally lose water through evaporation, especially in warmer climates or during hot seasons. If you live in an area with high temperatures and low humidity, evaporation could be the primary cause.
  2. Wind: Wind can increase the rate of evaporation from your pool surface. If your pool is exposed to strong and consistent winds, it may lead to more water loss.
  3. Leakages: Check for any visible leaks in your pool system, including the pool structure, pipes, or fittings. Even small leaks can contribute to a noticeable decrease in water levels over time.
  4. Splashing and Usage: Increased pool activity, such as frequent swimming, diving, or water play, can cause water to splash out of the pool. Make sure that the water loss is not simply due to recreational activities.

To identify whether your pool has a leak, consider the following steps:

  1. Water Level Monitoring: Regularly monitor the water level in your pool. A consistent drop that is greater than the normal rate of evaporation may indicate a potential leak.
  2. Bucket Test: Perform a simple bucket test by placing a bucket on the pool steps and filling it with water to the same level as your pool. Mark the water level inside the bucket and in the pool. After 24 hours, compare the water loss in the pool to that in the bucket. If the pool loses more water, there might be a leak. Click for more information on bucket test

  3. Inspect for Wet Areas: Look for wet or soggy areas around the pool equipment, pipes, and the pool perimeter. A wet spot may indicate a leak.

If you're unable to identify the cause of the increased water loss, it's advisable to consult with a professional pool maintenance service for a thorough inspection and full leak detection.

The primary difference lies in how chlorine is introduced into the water. In a traditional chlorine pool, you manually add chlorine chemicals, while a saltwater pool generates chlorine on demand by producing chlorine from the salt water.

In a saltwater pool, a chlorine generator (salt cell) uses electrolysis to break down the salt (sodium chloride) in the water into chlorine. This chlorine then mixes into the pool water, providing the necessary sanitizing agent.

No, a saltwater pool still contains chlorine. However, the chlorine is generated on demand, resulting in a milder and more consistent chlorine level compared to manually adding chemicals to a traditional chlorine pool.

Many people find that saltwater pools are gentler on the skin and eyes. However, sensitivity varies among individuals, and factors like pool maintenance and water balance also play a role.

While saltwater pools may require less frequent monitoring and adjustment of chlorine levels, they still need regular maintenance, including checking salt levels, inspecting the generator, and balancing other water parameters.

In almost all cases, yes. Converting a chlorine pool to a saltwater system involves installing a salt chlorine generator into the plumbing on the filtration system. It's advisable to consult with a professional to ensure a proper conversion.

The choice depends on personal preferences, budget, and maintenance considerations. Both types of chlorination systems can provide a safe and enjoyable swimming experience, so it's a matter of weighing the pros and cons based on your specific needs and priorities.

Diving services can include pool inspections, leak detection, structural repairs, replacement of underwater equipment, such as lights, drain covers, and maintenance of pool surfaces.

Look for fading colors, wrinkles, cracks, tears, or a loss of elasticity. If you notice water leakage, despite routine maintenance, it might be a clear indication that your liner needs replacement.

Small punctures or tears can often be patched, but extensive damage or multiple issues might necessitate a replacement. If the liner is reaching the end of its lifespan, replacement is usually a more cost-effective and long-term solution.

Testing your pool water regularly is crucial for maintaining water quality. However, a general guideline is to test your pool water at least once a week. We recommend having your water tested by a professional once a week. Savol Pools offers free water testing in store.

Remember, consistent testing and proper maintenance are essential for keeping your pool water safe, clear, and enjoyable. Adjust your testing frequency based on your pool's specific conditions and usage patterns.

Yes, heavy rainfall can dilute the pool water and affect its chemical balance. After significant rainfall, test your pool water to ensure that the water chemistry remains within the desired ranges. Adjust the chemical levels as needed.

If you notice cloudy water, algae growth, a strong chlorine smell, or skin and eye irritation, test your pool water immediately. These signs may indicate imbalances in water chemistry that need prompt attention.

Regularly remove debris, leaves, and water from the cover surface. Once the cover is off for the season, clean the cover with a mild detergent and a soft brush and ensure it's completely dry before storing it to prevent mold and mildew. It is recommended to store your cover in a sealed container to prevent damage due to rodents and insects. (they love to make it a home)

Consult with a professional to ensure which type of cover is best suited for your specific needs.

Safety pool covers are designed to provide a barrier between the pool and potential hazards, especially for families with children or pets. They are durable, anchored securely, and can support the weight of an adult to prevent accidental drowning.

    • Purpose: Safety covers are primarily designed to enhance safety around the pool area. They act as a robust barrier, capable of supporting the weight of an adult or large pet, preventing accidental drowning.
    • Functionality: These covers are anchored securely to the pool deck and often use straps and tensioning systems to maintain tautness. They provide a solid barrier that not only safeguards against unauthorized access but also protects the pool from debris and harsh weather conditions.
    • Cons: Safety covers are generally more expensive compared to other types. Installation requires professional installation for proper safety and effectiveness.

    • Purpose: Water bag covers are primarily employed to protect the pool during the winter months. They are a cost-effective solution to prevent debris from entering the pool and to help maintain water quality during periods of inactivity.
    • Functionality: These covers use water-filled bags placed along the edges to secure the cover in place. The weight of the water bags holds the cover down and provides a level of protection against wind and external elements. However, water bag covers are not designed as safety barriers.
    • Cons: Provides minimal safety as it is not designed to support the weight of a person or pet. May have a shorter lifespan compared to safety covers. Offers less effective protection against debris and contaminants.

Requires more maintenance during the winter season as you’d need to stay on top of water levels, pump water and remove debris.

To safeguard your pool during storms, consider securing loose objects in the pool area, covering the pool, and ensuring proper water balance and chemical levels. Additionally, trim nearby trees and inspect the pool equipment for any potential vulnerabilities.

After the storm, inspect the pool area for any damage, clean debris from the pool or the cover if in winter. If the pool is open balance the water chemistry and perform any required maintenance on pool equipment before resuming regular operation. If you suffer any damages, Contact a professional.

The best time to open a pool depends on various factors such as your location, climate, and personal preferences. In general, many pool owners choose to open their pools in the spring before the weather becomes consistently warm.

Here are a few considerations:

  1. Weather and Temperature: Wait until the weather is consistently warm enough to enjoy the pool. Opening too early might result in increased maintenance efforts if the water is still too cold.
  2. Seasonal Timing: Spring is typically the most common time to open a pool, as it marks the beginning of the swimming season in many regions.
  3. Chemical Balance: Ensure that the pool water has the right chemical balance. This may involve testing and adjusting the pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels.
  4. Debris Removal: If your pool has been covered during the off-season, remove any debris, leaves, or other materials that may have accumulated on the cover.
  5. Equipment Check: Inspect and start up the pool equipment, such as the pump, filter, and heater. Make sure everything is in working order.
  6. Professional Assistance: If you're unsure about the process or need help, consider hiring a professional pool service to open your pool. They can ensure that everything is done correctly.

We recommend anticipating any repairs, especially if there was any previous damage to the pool before closing. Consider getting ahead of the season by opening earlier than usual and getting on top of these repairs.

While Sodium Hypochlorite/Pools Shock uses some of the same chemicals to make product it is not Chlorine.

12 ½ % Sodium Hypochlorite/ Pool Shock will freeze at a temperature of 15 below zero Fahrenheit.

While the product can be thawed its potency will be greatly affected for use. While we rarely if ever see these types of winter temperatures it is suggested to keep the product indoors in a dry cool area.

Sodium Hypochlorite/Pool Shock has a shelf life of 6 months when kept in ambient temperatures of 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit,

In temperatures 75 and over it will weaken faster and lose shelf life to 1 ½ month and possibly less in especially sustained temperatures of 90 plus degrees Fahrenheit.

Sodium Hypochlorite/ Pools Shock should never be mixed with any chemical other than water.

NEVER under any circumstances mix Sodium Hypochlorite/ Pool Shock with Muriatic Acid, Ammonia, Hydrogen Peroxide or any cleaners using these products in them.

These chemical products should be stored away from one another to keep from accidental mixing.

Please refer to the SDS sheets for proper handling and safety. Contact your supplier for SDS sheets on pool chemical products.